Kamis, 20 Agustus 2009

New Cheat Coins Pet Society (Working 20 august 2009)

This is a new cheat coins for Pet Society working 20 august 2009 tested, and prove. i found this when googling around the web...and i found this first in Youtube...just play the video....

If you want to visit the video resource @ youtube just click here

what do you need just watch the video and open this link to generate the code click this and then click the"click here for open the generator for pet society" (if you not find the generator just click here and looking for the table that named Ingresa El Codigo Cepillo Coin)
there is a generator in that link and there are 2 address to be search in cheat engine that are:
- 110FF2D045590FF2 (8bytes,hex,also scan read only memory)
- 7D8B000005B38F0F (8bytes,hex,also s
can read only memory)
You need a cheat engine to do this hack/cheat...download at cheatengine.org
remember you need flash player ver. 9 to do this cheat...if you have ver 10 flash player, just uninstall it first download here , then download the flash player ver 9 here
what do you need to do?
here is the step by step if you dont get it in the video yet...
1. open your pet society
2. looking for the reward trophy for recycle points (whatever 5k,10k,20k) and be sure you have around 100 points less before you achive the trophy ( you can recycle something first to get in to 100 points less before the trophy) watch the video for sure.
3. soap your pet
4. buy an apple
5. search the first code 110FF2D045590FF2 (8bytes,hex,also scan read only memory)
6. disamble the memory region and right click the first line and select go to address then copy it
7. paste the code you have copied to the generator
8. search the second code
7D8B000005B38F0F (8bytes,hex,also scan read only memory)
disamble the memory region and right click the first line and select go to address then copy it
10. paste the code you have copie
d to the generator too (2nd line)
11. then click 'Enviar' button
12. copy all the result from the generator to the disamble memory region off 2nd address...and click Tools>Auto Assamble>paste it>and press OK
13. soap your pet again
14. visit your friend house and recycle one item to the recycle box (dont worry the item still there)
15. click the confirm button (checkmark) for 4 times...remember...4 times...
16. then you just got 200 gold for that ^_^
17. Do this cheat 2 times every login...so you have 40
0 gold wow....just for 1 minute you got 400gold...then save it ....
18. if you go more than 2 times (visit friend) there something probability the manager would appear ^_^ detect hacking hohohoho....
19. then just do it anytime you want....just repeat it ^_^

- it can not work while your recycle award is going to the 100.000 recycle points
- each time you cheating ... max : 2x visit friend and max 5x recycle each time visit

Credit:Patiniox and someone at youtube who publish it

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12 komentar:

  1. itu abis step 5 , ngapain lagi ??
    gak pake scan ? aku gak ngerti T___T

  2. itu cheat coins ya ?
    kalo cheat paw ada gak kk ? (maaf byk nanya)

  3. ad yg bahasa indonesia gakk

  4. ow ada....mau? :)
    1.buka Pet society
    2.sabunin dulu pet mu sampe keluar busa nya...
    3.beli apel 1 buah di toko
    4.buka cheat engine search kode pertama dengan seting Hex centang, also scan read only memory centang, dan 8 bytes
    5.dapet hasil nya 1 buah address kan di kiri layar...nah itu di klik kanan dulu pilih disamble this memory region terus klik kanan line pertama go to this address...terus copy itu address nya masukin ke box nya patiniox
    6. scan hasil ke dua ulangi langkah persis seperti langkah ke 5
    7. terus klik enviar di patiniox box
    8. copi semua hasil nya yang muncul di bawah
    9.kembali ke cheat engine dan klik kanan disamble lagi...terus klik menu tools>auto assemble...copy semua hasil dari patiniox yang udah di copi tadi ke sana...terus klik execute..ok ok
    10. sabunin lagi pet mu...liat keluar uang ga..kalo dah keluar uang nya artinya berhasil
    11. kunjungi temen mu...terus discard barang tertentu (sistem discard nya misal kamu mau dapet trophy pertama kurang 100 point ...discard lah barang diatas 100 point) nah dah gitu klik centang ijo gede itu maksimal 5x....terus close itu layar discard nya...dan berhasil deh ^_^

    ingat : lebih aman dan bisa di save bila di lakukan 2x (seribu coins per ngecheat kalo menuju ke trophy kedua)
    ulangi aja sampe bosen ^^

  5. buat yang nyari cheat buat pet society yang pernah gw post ada di samping kiri...liat bagian topic terus klik aja pet society ^_^
    begitu juga dengan restaurant city ^_^

  6. oh kira" ke band IP ga?

  7. gak kalo ke banned IP, paling banter gak bisa maen game playfish yang kamu cheat tersebut...tapi punya gw aman2 aja tuh :)

  8. patiniox box-nya mn???

  9. wakakaka...

    ngocak banget neh cheat ... salut gw

    hahahah .. pas liat trakir" ada banyak piala

    orang psti kek kambing congek bingungnya ..


  10. wak kayaknya situs http://lostomatoes.be/petsociety udah diblok..
    ada ide lain mas ?

  11. kalo yg itu dah gk bisa, coba cari di http://patiniox.blogspot.com/
    terus liat kotak kanan judul table nya "Ingresa El Codigo Cepillo Coin"

  12. masi bisa gak cheat nya sekarang ??
